Dear Friends,
The NC State Board of Elections is set to meet tomorrow in Raleigh and finally certify the results of the November 2 election. As you may have noticed, the candidate that the NRA endorsed for Congress in the 2nd District as well as the slate of 2nd Amendment supporters vying for election to the NC House and Senate did really well. Thanks to your votes and hard work, 85% of them won in their respective races.
Now is the time to start thinking about how we can turn the election results into action to strengthen our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. This is where your thoughts and opinions are important. What would you like to see them do? Is it to end the law that otherwise law-abiding citizens must obtain a permit from their local sheriff in order to purchase a handgun? What about ending the de facto disarming of citizens by the Governor when she declares a state of emergency? Maybe you'd like to remove the prohibition that keeps law-abiding students and citizens from concealed carry on university campuses? Is there something else regarding enjoying the full rights we are supposed to enjoy under the provisions of the 2nd that you'd like to see enacted?
Please add your comments or send me an e-mail and give me your thoughts. We have a fantastic opportunity and while the political environment is right we must make the most of it. I look forward to hearing your ideas.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
Information about supporting 2nd Amendment rights in the North Carolina 2nd Congressional District. Learn about upcoming events and how you can help defend this important freedom.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
...and you thought the election was over
Dear Friends,
With a little luck the election for the US House of Representatives in the 2nd Congressional District will finally end today. This past Wednesday I had the chance to observe the recount in Vance County on behalf of the NRA endorsed candidate, Renee Ellmers. The process was conducted by the County Board of Elections and started promptly at 9:00 and didn't end until 5:15. Ballots were taken out of storage, machines were zeroed and then each and every ballot cast was fed into the machines again using the same process that was used after voting was completed on Election Day. There were 10 people there observing the process on behalf of Mrs. Ellmers in addition to a lawyer from her legal team. Mr. Etheridge was represented by a member of the NC Democratic Party, the chair of the Vance County Democratic Party as well as a lawyer from the Etheridge campaign. The count was done without rancor with all of the participants working together to make sure that every ballot was counted in accordance with state law. There were just a couple of minor disagreements that were resolved to everyone's satisfaction on the spot and in consultation with the NC State Board of Elections where necessary. While it was tedious and about as much fun as watching paint dry I think that all who were there believed it was important and worthwhile. I'd like to commend the Vance County Board of Elections for their professionalism and the diligence with which they conducted the recount.
After tallying 4,414 votes cast, the result of the recount added just one vote for Mr. Etheridge while the tallies for Mrs. Ellmers and Mr. Rose were unchanged. It struck me as remarkable that of the stacks and stacks of ballots that the resulting count was so consistent. I have no doubt that it was done fairly and equitably.
Later today it is expected that the results of the recounts in all 10 counties in the 2nd District will be provided to the State Board of Elections who will in turn make the final tally from recount. They are expected to make that public later today. If the process employed in Vance County is applied to the other nine counties is used, I am sure that the public and the respective candidates can trust that the results are fair and final.
I am sure that all of us who have participated in this campaign will be happy to see it come to a conclusion and that we are looking forward to seeing our new Congressman at work representing our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
With a little luck the election for the US House of Representatives in the 2nd Congressional District will finally end today. This past Wednesday I had the chance to observe the recount in Vance County on behalf of the NRA endorsed candidate, Renee Ellmers. The process was conducted by the County Board of Elections and started promptly at 9:00 and didn't end until 5:15. Ballots were taken out of storage, machines were zeroed and then each and every ballot cast was fed into the machines again using the same process that was used after voting was completed on Election Day. There were 10 people there observing the process on behalf of Mrs. Ellmers in addition to a lawyer from her legal team. Mr. Etheridge was represented by a member of the NC Democratic Party, the chair of the Vance County Democratic Party as well as a lawyer from the Etheridge campaign. The count was done without rancor with all of the participants working together to make sure that every ballot was counted in accordance with state law. There were just a couple of minor disagreements that were resolved to everyone's satisfaction on the spot and in consultation with the NC State Board of Elections where necessary. While it was tedious and about as much fun as watching paint dry I think that all who were there believed it was important and worthwhile. I'd like to commend the Vance County Board of Elections for their professionalism and the diligence with which they conducted the recount.
After tallying 4,414 votes cast, the result of the recount added just one vote for Mr. Etheridge while the tallies for Mrs. Ellmers and Mr. Rose were unchanged. It struck me as remarkable that of the stacks and stacks of ballots that the resulting count was so consistent. I have no doubt that it was done fairly and equitably.
Later today it is expected that the results of the recounts in all 10 counties in the 2nd District will be provided to the State Board of Elections who will in turn make the final tally from recount. They are expected to make that public later today. If the process employed in Vance County is applied to the other nine counties is used, I am sure that the public and the respective candidates can trust that the results are fair and final.
I am sure that all of us who have participated in this campaign will be happy to see it come to a conclusion and that we are looking forward to seeing our new Congressman at work representing our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Election Results
Dear Friends,
It was a long night and a short morning, but here are the results from our quest to safeguard our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Senator Richard Burr handily won re-election defeating Elaine Marshall 55% to her 43%.
The US House of Representatives District 2 race is a bit murkier. Renee Ellmers (NRA "AQ") received 91,920 votes while 6 term incumbent Rep. Bob Etheridge (NRA "D") received 89,821 votes and Libertarian candidate Tom Rose had 3,418. Ellmers appears to have won by 2,099 votes or 1.13% but Etheridge has not conceded and news reports indicate he plans on calling for a recount. Election law "experts" on local news discussions have said that an automatic recount is triggered if the margin is less than 1%. Etheridge is 247 votes short of that point. We must remain vigilant to ensure that the verdict of the majority of the participating voters across the district prevails.
In the North Carolina State Senate, there were 11 contests with 7 NRA endorsed candidates. Of those, 6 of won and 1 lost. Congratulations to Senators Berger, Jackson, Rouzer, Stevens, Meredith and Blake. In the State House of Representatives, I'd like to congratulate the Representatives Collins, Daughtry, Wray, Crawford, Dollar, and Lewis. There were 19 contests with 9 NRA endorsed candidates where 6 of those won.
All in all, it was a pretty good night for the supporters of the 2nd Amendment. Together we were able to let Washington and Raleigh know that we value our rights and those who work against them had better find something else to do. Last night was not the end, but rather another beginning as we continue to fight for freedom and restore the full intent envisioned by the founders of our Republic. I invite all of you who value this important freedom to join me in continuing to support these fine men and women and to assist them on the frontlines as they advance the cause of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
It was a long night and a short morning, but here are the results from our quest to safeguard our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Senator Richard Burr handily won re-election defeating Elaine Marshall 55% to her 43%.
The US House of Representatives District 2 race is a bit murkier. Renee Ellmers (NRA "AQ") received 91,920 votes while 6 term incumbent Rep. Bob Etheridge (NRA "D") received 89,821 votes and Libertarian candidate Tom Rose had 3,418. Ellmers appears to have won by 2,099 votes or 1.13% but Etheridge has not conceded and news reports indicate he plans on calling for a recount. Election law "experts" on local news discussions have said that an automatic recount is triggered if the margin is less than 1%. Etheridge is 247 votes short of that point. We must remain vigilant to ensure that the verdict of the majority of the participating voters across the district prevails.
In the North Carolina State Senate, there were 11 contests with 7 NRA endorsed candidates. Of those, 6 of won and 1 lost. Congratulations to Senators Berger, Jackson, Rouzer, Stevens, Meredith and Blake. In the State House of Representatives, I'd like to congratulate the Representatives Collins, Daughtry, Wray, Crawford, Dollar, and Lewis. There were 19 contests with 9 NRA endorsed candidates where 6 of those won.
All in all, it was a pretty good night for the supporters of the 2nd Amendment. Together we were able to let Washington and Raleigh know that we value our rights and those who work against them had better find something else to do. Last night was not the end, but rather another beginning as we continue to fight for freedom and restore the full intent envisioned by the founders of our Republic. I invite all of you who value this important freedom to join me in continuing to support these fine men and women and to assist them on the frontlines as they advance the cause of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
Ellmers Defeats Etheridge; Burr to Serve Second Term in Senate
Dear Friends,
Renee Ellmers, the NRA endorsed candidate, defeated 6 term US Representative Bob Etheridge in a race that surprised local and national pundits. Etheridge (NRA grade of "D") was widely expected to be re-elected. Ellmers campaign was buoyed by the NRA endorsement that was announced the Thursday before election day in a timely Grassroots Alert. Clearly, the NRA members made a decisive difference in a race where the margin of victory was 1.1%.
Of 185,189 votes cast, Ellmers won by 2,099.
Senator Richard Burr, our pro-gun voice in the United States Senate handily defeated anti-gun challenger Elaine Marshall to earn his second term. He earned 55% of the vote compared to her 43%.
Thanks to all of you who volunteered, voted and stood tall for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Please join me in congratulating our new Congressman!
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
More results for our RNA endorsed candidates will be posted in the morning.
Renee Ellmers, the NRA endorsed candidate, defeated 6 term US Representative Bob Etheridge in a race that surprised local and national pundits. Etheridge (NRA grade of "D") was widely expected to be re-elected. Ellmers campaign was buoyed by the NRA endorsement that was announced the Thursday before election day in a timely Grassroots Alert. Clearly, the NRA members made a decisive difference in a race where the margin of victory was 1.1%.
Of 185,189 votes cast, Ellmers won by 2,099.
Senator Richard Burr, our pro-gun voice in the United States Senate handily defeated anti-gun challenger Elaine Marshall to earn his second term. He earned 55% of the vote compared to her 43%.
Thanks to all of you who volunteered, voted and stood tall for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Please join me in congratulating our new Congressman!
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
More results for our RNA endorsed candidates will be posted in the morning.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Today is THE Day
Dear Americans,
The talk has ended and the ball is in your court. The power is yours. Not just today, but every day by watching your elected representatives, seeing how they vote and holding them accountable for implementing the will of We the People.
Please consult the NRA Voting Guide. Select these fine liberty loving candidates, print out enough copies for you and your families, friends and neighbors as you go to the polls together. Please vote for Richard Burr for Senate and Renee Ellmers for Congress. On the NRA Voting Guide you will find great candidates for the North Carolina Senate and House.
If you can't recall where you should go vote, that information is available on this link to the North Carolina Board of Elections.
Please Vote Freedom First!
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
The talk has ended and the ball is in your court. The power is yours. Not just today, but every day by watching your elected representatives, seeing how they vote and holding them accountable for implementing the will of We the People.
Please consult the NRA Voting Guide. Select these fine liberty loving candidates, print out enough copies for you and your families, friends and neighbors as you go to the polls together. Please vote for Richard Burr for Senate and Renee Ellmers for Congress. On the NRA Voting Guide you will find great candidates for the North Carolina Senate and House.
If you can't recall where you should go vote, that information is available on this link to the North Carolina Board of Elections.
Please Vote Freedom First!
Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe
Monday, November 1, 2010
Freedom's Voice Will Be Heard Tomorrow
Dear Americans,
I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that tomorrow is coming. As a former soldier, I took an oath with each enlistment to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Standing at attention with hand held high, I got goose bumps as I repeated that sacred oath to defend freedom. Tomorrow we all have a chance to do the same thing - with our votes. We will be faced with a choice - to vote for candidates who support freedom and liberty, or those who favor "common sense gun control" or some other attempt to place limits on the liberties that men and women are fighting for in Afghanistan or Iraq even as we speak. My brother-in-law is one of those warriors. I'll be voting in honor of his service and his sacrifice. I may not be able to wear the uniform and carry a rifle anymore to defend freedom, but my ballot is every bit as powerful and just as necessary to stop tyranny, oppression and subjugation now and in the future. Whether you are a teenager voting for the first time or you cast your first vote for during World War II, together we stand in defense of freedom. Our voice will be heard.
If you think your gun rights are not being challenged, consider the case of a lawman in Maine - in full uniform with his gun - who was denied the right to vote. The reason: he had a gun.
Freedom depends on you. If not you, who? If not at the ballot box, where? If not tomorrow at the polls, when will you ever have a better opportunity to support liberty?
Remember, Richard Burr for Senate and Renee Ellmers for US House of Representatives. They need your vote.
Sincerely yours,
-Tom Goffe
Tip of the Day: When you go to the polls tomorrow, please be sure to take your family, friends and neighbors. Before you leave, go to the NRA Endorsement Page, click next to each endorsed candidate, or in cases where no endorsement has been made, select the candidate with the highest grade. Then print it out and be sure to have copies to pass out to the people going with you. You might also want to take your kids with you so that they can see democracy in action. Set the example and share with them the joys of being free people who can vote in the greatest country on earth.
I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that tomorrow is coming. As a former soldier, I took an oath with each enlistment to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Standing at attention with hand held high, I got goose bumps as I repeated that sacred oath to defend freedom. Tomorrow we all have a chance to do the same thing - with our votes. We will be faced with a choice - to vote for candidates who support freedom and liberty, or those who favor "common sense gun control" or some other attempt to place limits on the liberties that men and women are fighting for in Afghanistan or Iraq even as we speak. My brother-in-law is one of those warriors. I'll be voting in honor of his service and his sacrifice. I may not be able to wear the uniform and carry a rifle anymore to defend freedom, but my ballot is every bit as powerful and just as necessary to stop tyranny, oppression and subjugation now and in the future. Whether you are a teenager voting for the first time or you cast your first vote for during World War II, together we stand in defense of freedom. Our voice will be heard.
If you think your gun rights are not being challenged, consider the case of a lawman in Maine - in full uniform with his gun - who was denied the right to vote. The reason: he had a gun.
Freedom depends on you. If not you, who? If not at the ballot box, where? If not tomorrow at the polls, when will you ever have a better opportunity to support liberty?
Remember, Richard Burr for Senate and Renee Ellmers for US House of Representatives. They need your vote.
Sincerely yours,
-Tom Goffe
Tip of the Day: When you go to the polls tomorrow, please be sure to take your family, friends and neighbors. Before you leave, go to the NRA Endorsement Page, click next to each endorsed candidate, or in cases where no endorsement has been made, select the candidate with the highest grade. Then print it out and be sure to have copies to pass out to the people going with you. You might also want to take your kids with you so that they can see democracy in action. Set the example and share with them the joys of being free people who can vote in the greatest country on earth.
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