Thursday, September 30, 2010

Out & About: This Weekend at the Fayetteville Gun Show

     Dear Friends,
     This weekend we will be at the Fayetteville Gun Show on Saturday and Sunday.  It will be in the Crown Coliseum at the Cumberland County Civic Center.  Show hours are Saturday (9:00-5:00) and Sunday (10:00-5:00).  If you visit the C&E Gun Shows web site you can get a coupon good for a dollar off the regular admission price of $7.00. Better yet, if you join the NRA or renew your annual membership at the show, you can get in free.  Directions to the show are available when you click on this link. We will be passing out campaign literature, bumper stickers, yard signs and talking about the importance of the upcoming election with 2nd Amendment supporters.  It will also give you a chance to join the NRA's Frontlines if you have not done so online. Bring your family and friends to this fun event and be sure to stop by our table.
     Also in the news, there was an attempted robbery at a pizza restaurant in Charlotte.  What the crooks didn't count on was that one of the employees was armed.  Read how this citizen used his rights to save his own life and that of two other employees.  Remember this when gun rights opponents tell you that regular folks don't have any need to rely on a gun for personal defense.
     New today is something I'll call the Tip of the Day. With this I hope to share some of the interesting ideas, trivia and things I've learned as the campaign to support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms progresses.
     Today's tip is about bumper stickers.  Did you know that a bumper sticker that costs a campaign pennies is worth up to $250.00 to them in terms of advertising impact? In other words, when you put one of their bumper stickers on your car you have just saved them $250.00 that they would have had to spend on TV, radio or newspaper advertising to achieve the same visibility to voters. For campaigns on a shoestring this is a great use of scarce donation dollars.

     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How You Can Help Us Win

Dear Friends,
     In the last few days since the American Rifleman, American Hunter, and America's 1st Freedom hit our mailboxes with my contact information, I've talked to concerned 2nd Amendment supporters across the 2nd Congressional District who have asked how they can help.  It has been very encouraging to hear from so many people willing to step up and take action to get the word out and elect candidates who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
     One thing you can do is to sign up for the NRA's Frontlines. It is easy to do online and takes all of 5 minutes. There you can select a myriad of activities that fit your schedule, inclinations and talents. Some of the choices available to you include:

            - Registering pro-gun voters
            - Making phone calls
            - Contacting your lawmakers
            - Writing letters to the editor
            - Walking precincts
            - Attending town hall meetings
            - Yard sign distribution
            - Bumper sticker distribution
            - Election day activities/poll work
            - Literature drops
            - Working at campaign headquarters
            - Gun shows (registering voters, handing out yard signs, bumper stickers, & campaign literature)
            - All of the above
     If none of these things are appealing, you can also talk to relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers and hunting & shooting buddies. Topics include candidates who support the 2nd Amendment, the importance of voting, how they can join or support the NRA. Other great places to do this include gun shops, ranges, gun & hunting clubs, gun shows, etc. Just the simple act of wearing your NRA hat or shirt the next time you run errands can help.  I even heard one man suggest using an NRA yard sign as a sun shade in his car window. Use your imagination! If you have another idea, please send me an e-mail and I'll publish it here in a future edition.
     To all who have called or written to me asking how you can help, Thank You! Without people like you who are willing to get involved, our 2nd Amendment rights would be in an even more precarious state.  I really appreciate your patriotism, dedication and desire to serve.  These are the things that make America great.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lessons Learned, Part III

Dear Friends,
     At the NRA Political Victory Fund Kick-Off event last Saturday, the NRA's Manager of Political and Legislative Activities, Suzanne Anglewicz explained the NRA's endorsement policy.  As an organization dedicated to one specific issue - the preservation of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, they sometimes make decisions to support candidates with positions on other issues that NRA members might find irksome. Those positions do not and cannot influence the endorsements that the NRA makes. To do so would create a quagmire very quickly and dilute the value of the NRA endorsement. In other words, the word "Rifle" is part of the name for a reason, and we are the National Rifle Association and not the National Republican Association.  There is a fantastic National Review Online interview with the NRA Institute for Legislative Action's Executive Director Chris Cox that is well worth reading that gives a behind the scenes look at how endorsements are made. The official endorsement policy can be found on the NRA ILA's web site as well.
     Finally, Suzanne stated something that should be obvious to all of us - now is not the time to be complacent. While the explosion of interest in electing candidates with traditional values - including support for the 2nd Amendment - is heartening, we must take advantage of a rare opportunity. With the Supreme Court's decisions that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right and that the states cannot excessively restrict this right, both were decided by a single vote on the court. We need to ensure that Senators like our own Richard Burr who support the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are elected so that justices who oppose the Right to Keep and Bear Arms cannot be confirmed. At the state level we need to closely examine a candidate's support of the 2nd Amendment and elect those who will work hard to support and reinforce this liberty we all cherish. Even with the recent successes we must remain vigilant, engaged and dedicated. As I keep stating in this blog, you can contribute your talents and sweat by join me in working on the NRA's Frontlines.  I hope you will be able to do so.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lessons Learned, Part II

Dear Friends,
     In her talk at the NRA Frontlines Kick-Off event last Saturday, Suzanne Anglewicz gave me another reason to help candidates who support the 2nd Amendment.  The short version is this: 2nd Amendment supporters clearly embrace the Constitution and the Constitution is the foundation of American liberty.  If you value your liberty, you will use it to work for candidates who fully support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
     This election there are many issues that concern all voters, regardless of ideology. Jobs, war, taxes, spending, schools, health care - they are all important.  But all of those issues have one thing in common: liberty. Liberty to decide who represents us, liberty to fully voice our beliefs and opinions and the liberty to hold our representatives accountable to our will. Opponents to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms hold that this right is different. It cannot be fully entrusted to us and should be limited based on local needs that in practice are subject to changing conditions. Indeed, gun control advocates would say it is not really a civil right but a privilege based on their "enlightened" perception of "modern realities."  I disagree, and no less an authority than the US Supreme Court does as well. In their recent decisions, they have stopped the march of tyranny and restored the rule and spirit the founders envisioned. That is why we support the 2nd Amendment, work for candidates who value this civil right and hold them accountable. Nothing less than liberty is at stake.
     As Patrick Henry once said, "When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object." I think Governor Henry would be encouraged to know that 210 years after his death that the word "liberty" remains on our lips and the spirit still burns in our hearts.
     I hope that you will join me in working for liberty and continue to support candidates who embrace our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Learn more about what you can do and join the NRA's Frontlines.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lessons Learned From the NRA Kick-Off Event

     Dear Friends,
     Last night I returned from the NRA Election Kick-Off Event in Monroe, NC - just outside of Charlotte.  It was fantastic to see so many NRA members who gathered to learn what they could do to contribute their talents and effort to ensure a victory in the elections next month.  Suzanne Anglewicz of the NRA made a great presentation of how we as members and volunteers can achieve maximum impact in getting candidates who support the 2nd Amendment elected to office.
     One thing Suzanne emphasized was that people who support the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are pretty easy to find. Go to a gun store, a range, a gun show or a sportsman's club and you are certain to find like-minded people who share our interest in guns, the shooting sports and hunting. Many of them might not be aware of the importance of the coming election and how we have a unique opportunity to make our voices heard in the current political climate. We need to talk to them about pro-gun candidates, the importance of voting and recruit them to join us on the NRA's Frontlines. When we engage people in places like that, we are less likely to get mired in a time-wasting, unproductive and ultimately frustrating exercise. While the NRA has about 4,000,000 members, there are over 80,000,000 gun owners who benefit from our efforts on their behalf. We need to get out where they are and get them involved.
     Suzanne was joined by Tom Korman, North Carolina's very own Campaign Field Representative (CFR).  Tom is working full time marhalling volunteers to help in key races across the state. Not every state has a CFR.  His presence emphasizes just how important our state is to the NRA's overall national effort. Suzanne and Tom's powers of persuasion were on display when it seemed that after the presentation was over I did not see anybody who left without getting stacks of bumper stickers, campaign literature or signing up to join the Frontlines.
     That was not all that happened yesterday - far from it.  I'll talk more about the event and lessons learned in future postings.  Until then - get out, talk to your families, friends and neighbors and educate them about how they can ensure the future of liberty by voting for candidates who support the 2nd Amendment.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe

Friday, September 24, 2010

NRA Endorsed Candidates in Our District

Dear Friends,
As it stands now, the following candidates have received the endorsement and support of the National Rifle Association.  I've included their campaign web sites as well as their official legislative office sites so that you can become acquainted with them.

United States Senate: Richard Burr (campaign web site)
US House of Representatives, District 2: Renee Ellmers (campaign web site)
North Carolina State Senate, District 7: Doug Berger
North Carolina State Senate, District 11: A. B. Swindell (campaign web site)
North Carolina State Senate, District 22: Harris Blake (campaign web site)

In the days and weeks to come more NRA endorsements should be forthcoming and I will update this list accordingly.  There are many races that are important to all of us where an official NRA endorsement has not yet been announced.

One thing that every candidate for office has in common is that they are competing for OUR vote. They want to work for us, and just like a job interview we as the employer need to evaluate their resumes, question them and make an informed decision on which one will do the best job for us as supporters of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. For now, I invite you to become acquainted with these candidates and to consider how you can lend your talents and efforts to their campaigns.  One great way to help out is to join the NRA's Frontlines - a group of concerned 2nd Amendment supporters dedicated to ensuring victory in the 2010 election.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe

About Our District

Dear Friends,
If you live in Chatham, Cumberland, Franklin, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Nash, Sampson, Vance and parts of Wake County then you are part of the 2nd Congressional District.  Here is a map of our district.

Within this are are the following North Carolina Senate Districts: 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 21 and 22. In the State House we are represented by District 7, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 53, 54, and 55. I'll admit, this roster of numbers doesn't tell me much without knowing what district that I live in. To find out which of these districts are yours, you can fill in the form on this link to the State Board of Elections, and once you submit the required information you will see your voting information.  On that page, you will see a link that says "My Districts."  If you click on that, you will be greeted with a list of your federal, state and county districts. It will also show your voting precinct and where you would go to vote.  If you click on "My Sample Ballot" you will get to see the ballot as it will appear on election day.  This is an especially valuable tool as you consider each of the candidates for office and which will be worthy of your vote.

I hope this is helpful as we begin to work together in supporting our candidates who are proven defenders of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coming Deadlines for Voters

Dear Friends,
   There are a number of important deadlines coming for voters in the November 2 general election.  They are:

Fri, October 8, 2010 – 5pm.
   DEADLINE for voter registration for November 2 General Election. Forms must be postmarked or delivered in person by 5:00 pm to your county Board of Elections office.
Thursday, Oct 14, 2010.
   One-stop absentee voting begins for General Election; modified full-time county board offices remain open   five days each week.
Tuesday, Oct 26, 2010.
   DEADLINE to request absentee ballots in writing (exceptions due to sickness or disability).
Saturday, Oct 30, 2010.
   One-stop absentee voting ends.
Monday, November 1, 2010 – 5pm.
   DEADLINE to request absentee ballots for sickness/disability is 5:00 pm.
Tuesday, Nov 2, 2010

For your convenience you can find links for getting voter registration materials at the top of this blog.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NRA Volunteer Kick-Off Event This Weekend

From the NRA - "In preparation for the 2010 elections, NRA-ILA has hired Campaign Field Representatives who are working in key states to recruit and mobilize pro-gun volunteers. As part of this grassroots plan, “Volunteer Kick-Off” meetings, featuring CFRs and ILA Grassroots Headquarters staff, have been scheduled and are listed below. **. NOTE: “Volunteer Kick-Off” events are for NRA members only. To register for an event, you will need to provide your NRA member ID."

Saturday, September 25, 2010  Monroe, NC beginning at 10:00.

If you are interested in attending, please use this link to register.
I hope to see you there.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe

Current NRA Endorsed Candidate List

Dear Friends,
As of today, the NRA has endorsed 25 candidates for national and state office.  This list comes from the NRA Political Victory Fund web site and you can count on it being updated as the election season continues. For the convenience of 2nd Amendment supporters outside of the 2nd Congressional District, I've listed all candidates across North Carolina and their web sites or Facebook pages.

United States Senate:  Richard Burr
United States House of Representatives: Renee Ellmers
  3rd District:  Walter Jones, Jr.
  5th District:  Virginia Foxx
  6th District:  Howard Coble
  8th District:  Larry Kissel
  10th District:  Patrick McHenry
  11th District: Heath Shuler
North Carolina State Senate:
  District 7: Doug Berger
  District 11: A. B. Swindell
  District 22: Harris Blake
  District 30: Don East
  District 34: Andrew Brock
  District 41: James Forrester
North Carolina State House of Representatives:
  District 20: Tristan Patterson
  District 22: William Brisson
  District 62: John Blust 
  District 70: Pat Hurley
  District 78: Harold Brubaker
  District 80: Jerry Dockham
  District 82: Jeff Barnhart
  District 94: Shirley Blackburn Randleman
  District 99: Nick Mackey
  District 104: Ruth Samuelson
  District 115: D. Bruce Goforth
  District 120: Roger West

These men and women are staunch supporters of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Please support them by joining the NRA Frontlines and above all be sure that you are eligible to exercise your right to vote in this important election.

Sincerely yours

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Join the Effort to Secure our Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Dear Friends,

If you are like me, I received two of my favorite magazines today - America's 1st Freedom and American Rifleman.  Before I had a chance to see what was inside, I saw that in the lower right corner was some contact information for me as YOUR Election Volunteer Coordinator.  As you all know, the National Rifle Association is the most influential civil rights organization in America.  That's right - the Right to Keep and Bear Arms IS a civil right, and it is up to us - the members - to ensure that this right is perpetuated for our children and future generations.

I am not as articulate as Wayne LaPierre, Chris Cox, Chuck Norris or even Ted Nugent at saying why this important right is worth fighting for.  What I can say is this: it is up to you and me to do the hard work of making sure that the people who represent us in Raleigh and Washington share our values where it comes to gun rights.  Not only that they share them, but they must also be able to make good things happen.  Together we will fight for stopping the erosion of our rights, and regain the full power and joys of liberty that have been degraded over the years.  That is why I joined the NRA. That is why I signed on as an Election Volunteer Coordinator, or EVC.

During election season, the EVCs serve as a link between pro-gun candidates who have been endorsed by the NRA Political Victory Fund as well as members of the NRA who want to do their part.  Some campaigns are blessed with large amounts of cash while others rely on the sweat and elbow grease of volunteers like us. Either way, you and I join together to give our candidates the best possible chance of victory.

For now, I'm going to ask you to review our current slate of endorsed candidates.  Also, take a look at the NRA web page that will introduce you to our Grassroots effort.  Then please join me in the NRA Frontlines, you can and sign up online.

Finally, please double check to ensure that you are registered to vote. I know the "R" word is one that makes my skin crawl, but you cannot vote to keep your liberty if you are not registered.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NRA Endorses Senator Richard Burr

The following is the text of a press release announcing yesterday that the National Rifle Association has endorsed Senator Burr.  My two cents will follow shortly....

Fairfax, Va. -- The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is endorsing U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.) for re-election this November.
“Richard Burr’s steadfast commitment to preserving our Second Amendment freedoms and hunting heritage has earned him the NRA-PVF endorsement,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF. “I know Senator Burr will continue to fight for and protect the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding gun owners in North Carolina and across the United States.”
During his tenure in the U.S. Senate and U.S House of Representatives, Richard Burr has consistently supported gun rights for law-abiding Americans. Burr cosponsored and voted for the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act, to repeal the D.C. gun ban and restore gun rights to residents of our nation’s capital. He signed the pro-gun congressional “friend of the court” brief in the McDonald case, supporting the position that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that protects all Americans. He also signed the pro-gun congressional brief in the 2008 Heller case, supporting the Second Amendment as an individual right and striking down the gun ban in our nation’s capital. Burr cosponsored legislation to force much-needed reform of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), voted for the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity amendment, cosponsored and voted for the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act preventing attempts to bankrupt the American gun industry through bogus lawsuits, voted for an amendment that prohibits gun confiscation during states of emergency and voted against confirmation of anti-gun Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.
Senator Burr’s unwavering commitment to preserving our Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage has earned him an “A” rating and endorsement from the NRA-PVF.
“North Carolinians value their Second Amendment freedoms, and Richard Burr is the clear choice to represent them,” Cox concluded. “We ask all North Carolina gun-owners and hunters to re-elect Senator Richard Burr on November 2nd.”

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

RKBA Saves New York Family

Dear Friends,
That sounds like an unusual headline.  Having lived in the Empire State for 5 years (the infamous South Bronx, to be specific) I can attest to how rare it is.  New York City has the most restrictive and draconian gun laws in America and the rest of the state is not far behind.  To go with the loss of freedom for the law-abiding taxpayers is nearly unlimited freedom for criminals to visit mayhem upon them.  In this CBS News Story, a Long Island resident was confronted in his home by five men he believed to be members of the notorious MS-13 gang.  He told his wife to call the police and went for his AK-47 style rifle.  When they refused his request to leave, another 20 young men came running around the corner of his house.  Seriously outnumbered, he fired some warning shots into his front yard to disperse the gangsters.  Police arrived and promptly arrested the legally armed homeowner.  According to his attorney, “What he’s initially charged with – a D felony reckless endangerment — requires a depraved indifference to human life, creating a risk that someone’s going to die. Shooting into a lawn doesn’t create a risk of anybody dying.”

This incident highlights exactly why we MUST be politically active in the upcoming election on November 2.  We do not want to wake up one day and find out the hard way that some politicians have made the reasonable use of force to protect our families and our homes a felony. Vigilance is the price of freedom, and voting is the down payment.

Please join me in encouraging your family members, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances to become knowledgeable about the candidates and to vote on election day.

Sincerely yours,

Tom Goffe
Election Volunteer Coordinator
NC 2nd Congressional District