Thursday, September 30, 2010

Out & About: This Weekend at the Fayetteville Gun Show

     Dear Friends,
     This weekend we will be at the Fayetteville Gun Show on Saturday and Sunday.  It will be in the Crown Coliseum at the Cumberland County Civic Center.  Show hours are Saturday (9:00-5:00) and Sunday (10:00-5:00).  If you visit the C&E Gun Shows web site you can get a coupon good for a dollar off the regular admission price of $7.00. Better yet, if you join the NRA or renew your annual membership at the show, you can get in free.  Directions to the show are available when you click on this link. We will be passing out campaign literature, bumper stickers, yard signs and talking about the importance of the upcoming election with 2nd Amendment supporters.  It will also give you a chance to join the NRA's Frontlines if you have not done so online. Bring your family and friends to this fun event and be sure to stop by our table.
     Also in the news, there was an attempted robbery at a pizza restaurant in Charlotte.  What the crooks didn't count on was that one of the employees was armed.  Read how this citizen used his rights to save his own life and that of two other employees.  Remember this when gun rights opponents tell you that regular folks don't have any need to rely on a gun for personal defense.
     New today is something I'll call the Tip of the Day. With this I hope to share some of the interesting ideas, trivia and things I've learned as the campaign to support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms progresses.
     Today's tip is about bumper stickers.  Did you know that a bumper sticker that costs a campaign pennies is worth up to $250.00 to them in terms of advertising impact? In other words, when you put one of their bumper stickers on your car you have just saved them $250.00 that they would have had to spend on TV, radio or newspaper advertising to achieve the same visibility to voters. For campaigns on a shoestring this is a great use of scarce donation dollars.

     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

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