Friday, October 1, 2010

Why Burr, Why Now?

     Dear Friends,
     On Sept. 14 the NRA Political Victory Fund endorsed Richard Burr's candidacy for a second term in the United States Senate.  Throughout his first term Senator Burr has been a staunch friend of the 2nd Amendment working with great dedication and effectiveness for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. With everything else going on in our lives, it is sometimes easy to forget how much he has done for us.
   + He earned an "A" rating and endorsement from the NRA Political Victory Fund.
   + He cosponsored and voted for the DC Personal Protection Act. That would repeal their gun ban and registration statute and restore the right of self-defense for law-abiding residents of America's capital.
   + Sen. Burr signed a "friend of the court brief," that contributed to the Supreme Court decision to strike down the gun ban in America's capital and reiterating that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right in the Heller case. {Read the full story on Wikipedia.}
   + Sen. Burr signed another "friend of the court brief" in the McDonald case that led the Supreme Court to decide that the 2nd Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that protects all Americans. {Read the full story on Wikipedia.}
   + Sen. Burr cosponsored legislation to reform the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
   + Sen. Burr cosponsored National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity legislation that would extend federal protection of state Right-to-Carry licenses and permits across America.
   + Sen. Burr cosponsored and voted for the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act which prevents outlandish lawsuits designed to bankrupt the American gun industry.
   + He cosponsored and voted for the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act which prohibits gun confiscation during states of emergency as happened after Hurricane Katrina.
   + He voted against confirming anti-gun Supreme Court nominees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan
     Why now? The most compelling reason is that the pro-gun wing in the Supreme Court is a one vote majority. If another seat becomes vacant, we can assume the President will nominate yet another opponent of our 2nd Amendment liberties.  We will need Senators like Richard Burr to stand strong in defense of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  His record is clear and he got the NRA endorsement the old-fashioned way - he earned it.
     Tip of the day: more about bumper stickers.  Whether you have this year's Cadillac or a 15 year old Jeep like I do, you might be skittish about putting a bumper sticker on it or are worried about how to get it off (as if anybody would ever want to do that).  One solution is to go to your local office supply store and get a magnetic sheet.  They can be found near the computer printer labels. Put the bumper sticker on that, trim it with a pair of scissors and slap it on your car. If you decide to move it - no problem. Just lift it off and move it.
     Don't forget to go to the Fayetteville Gun Show this weekend.  I'll be joined by other volunteers passing out literature, bumper stickers, buttons, yard signs and talking up our endorsed candidates.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

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