District 7 (Parts of Nash County)
Angela R. Bryant (C) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”
District 21 (Sampson County)
Larry M. Bell (C-) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”
DeAnn G. Poirier (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 25
(Parts of Nash County)
Jeffrey L. Collins (A-) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.” Campaign Web Page,
Facebook Page,
Randy Stewart (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 26
(Johnston County)
Leo Daughtry (A) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.” Facebook Page, Legislative Web Page
District 27
(Vance County)
Michael H. Wray (A-) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.” Campaign Web Page,
Facebook Page, Legislative Web Page
District 28 (Sampson County)
James H. Langdon, Jr. (C+) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”
Brian Allen (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 32
(Vance County)
Jim Crawford (A-) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.” Project Vote Smart Page,
Legislative Web Page
District 33 (Parts of Wake County)
Paul Terrell (AQ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”
Rosa Gill (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 35
(Parts of Wake County)
Don Frantz (AQ) NRA Endorsed “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.” Campaign Web Page,
Facebook Page, Jennifer Weiss (F) “True enemy of gun owners' rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners' rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”
District 36
(Parts of Wake County)
Nelson Dollar (A-) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.” Campaign Web Page, Facebook Page, Legislative Web Page Robin Anderson (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 38 (Parts of Wake County)
Madison E. Shook (AQ) ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”
Deborah K. Ross (F) “True enemy of gun owners' rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners' rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”
District 42 (Parts of Cumberland County)
Marvin W. Lucas (A-) “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”
District 43 (Parts of Cumberland County)
Elmer Floyd (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 44 (Parts of Cumberland County)
Johnny Dawkins (B+) “A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a "B" candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.”
Diane Parfitt (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 45
(Parts of Cumberland County)
Jackie Warner (AQ) NRA Endorsed “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.” Project Vote Smart Page,
Facebook Page, Rick Glazier (C+) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”
District 49 (Franklin & parts of Nash County)
Glen Bradley (AQ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”
John May (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 51 (Lee & parts of Harnett County)
Jimmy L. Love, Sr. (A) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.” Campaign Web Page,
Legislative Web Page Michael Stone (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 53
(Chatham & parts of Harnett County)
David Lewis (A-) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.” Campaign Web Page, Facebook Page, Legislative Web Page Abraham Oudeh (?)“Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”
District 54
Cathy Wright (B+) “A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a "B" candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.”
Joe Hackney (F) “True enemy of gun owners' rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners' rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”