Sunday, October 31, 2010

What an NRA Endorsement Tells You About A Candidate

     Dear Friends,
     It is easy to dismiss an NRA endorsement of a candidate as being just limited to how they stand on the 2nd Amendment.  While that is the sole issue that concerns America's original Civil Rights organization, it actually is a good proxy for understanding where a candidate stands on the role of government.  In this election, the NRA has been asking you to "Vote Freedom First."  With their grades and endorsements, the NRA is letting voters know whether a current or aspiring legislator fully supports the liberties given to us in the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, or if they believe it is good to refine, modify, limit or even deny them to us.
     Over the last 221 years, the freedoms that the founders of our nation have bequeathed to us have been changed and even denied based on what were thought at the time to be "rational reasons based on (then) current needs."  As we have added to our experience as the freest nation in the history of mankind, we have made mistakes, learned from many of them and applied remedies.  Slavery, the denial of the vote to women and the internment of citizens based on their national heritage are just a few examples. What the NRA does is stand as a bulwark against efforts to "interpret" the right to keep and bear arms against currently fashionable impulses that could result in a similarly egregious denial of liberty.  Candidates who fully support the 2nd Amendment in both word and deed show that they understand the original intent of the founders. They demonstrate that they believe "all men are created equal." Anything less is reason enough to deny a candidate the opportunity to enjoy the privilege and great responsibility of representing us, "We the People."  Take a look at the NRA's grades and endorsements to get some insights on how candidates value freedom. In the 2010 election, they have endorsed Richard Burr for Senate and Renee Ellmers for Congress representing the 2nd District.  The NRA Political Victory Fund web site also has a comprehensive list of candidate grades and endorsements for the North Carolina Senate and House.
Voters need to indeed Vote Freedom First.  Voters need to remember that on Tuesday.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Registration Deadline is TODAY

     Dear Friends,
     Today is your last day to register to vote in the 2010 election.  That's the bad news - the good news is that you can vote at the same time with one-stop votingPlease double check your voter registration status here and be sure to make your voice heard both here in North Carolina and in Washington.  You can also look up where to vote online if you prefer to vote on Tuesday, November 2.
      I'd also like to invite you to take a look at the NRA Voter Guide for North Carolina or see my 2nd District Voter's Guide for federal office as well as for the NC Senate and NC House.
     Tip of the Day:  If you use the NRA Voter Guide for North Carolina, you can click your mouse on each candidate you like, then print out your personalized list of candidates and take it with you into the voting booth.  Just another example of the NRA going the extra mile to ensure that you get to the polls for vote for freedom.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Friday, October 29, 2010

NRA Endorses Renee Ellmers for Congress

     Dear Friends,
     It is official: The National Rifle Association has endorsed Renee Ellmers for Congress.  Read below what the NRA Political Victory Fund had to say about this fine candidate and learn more on her website and on her 2nd Amendment page in particular.  I invite every citizen who values their Right to Keep and Bear Arms to volunteer, contribute or attend an event for this candidate who is dedicated to fighting to preserve our liberty.  Above all, VOTE.

October 29 2010                                                                                                                 
The NRA-PVF ( has endorsed Renee Ellmers for Congress.  It is critical that you vote for Renee Ellmers for Congress, and urge your family and friends to do the same.  We need to bolster our ranks in Congress to keep this White House from pursuing an anti-gun agenda after the 2010 elections.
That's why it's more important than ever that we elect Renee Ellmers to Congress to help build a pro-gun firewall around our Second Amendment rights.  Renee Ellmers has been endorsed by the NRA-PVF for her responses to our federal candidate questionnaire and is committed to oppose federal gun control schemes and support pro-gun reforms.
By contrast, her opponent - Congressman Bob Etheridge - has earned a "D" rating for his anti-gun record in Congress.  He has voted to regulate gun shows out of business.  Etheridge refused to sign the pro-gun "friend of the court" brief in the landmark Heller and McDonald Second Amendment cases and voted against repealing the gun ban in our nation's capital.  Etheridge also voted against current federal laws preventing attempts to bankrupt the American gun industry through bogus lawsuits and allowing commercial airline pilots to be armed in the cockpit.  Finally Etheridge refused to answer our federal candidate questionnaire - a clear indication of indifference if not outright hostility, to the rights of gun owners and sportsmen.
The choice is clear!  All gun owners and sportsmen in North Carolina's second congressional district should support Renee Ellmers on Election Day.  If you can volunteer to help, please contact her campaign at and 252-220-0181.  Also spread the word to your family, friends, and fellow gun owners.  And on November 2, Vote Freedom First - Vote Renee Ellmers for Congress!

P.S.  Don't forget to vote to reelect Senator Richard Burr.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Voters: Trust, But Verify

     Dear Friends,
     Ronald Reagan was famous for saying "trust, but verify" when it came to dealing with the Soviet Union.  That same thought also applies to voting.  Today I saw in the New Bern Sun Journal an article that was very troubling.  A voter attempted to vote a straight line ballot there and just as he was about to finalize his electronic vote, he saw on the machine's screen that somehow it was changed from one party to another.  He contacted a poll worker and after a few tries his desired votes were properly recorded into the machine.  According to the story, he wasn't the only citizen to have that problem. 
     How many people who voted did not catch a similar error and unknowingly cast ballots for people they DON'T want to elect?  What can you do about it?
     First - double check your votes line by line and race by race.  Whether you are using a pen to fill out ovals or an electronic touch screen machine, give it a second look.
     Second - if you make a mistake or want to change your vote, ask a poll worker for help.  Tell them you think you might have made a mistake and want to correct it.  Don't but your paper ballot into the machine or finalize your vote on an electronic machine then ask for help.  It is too late then.  STOP and ASK FOR help the second you have a question or think you made a mistake.  The poll workers are there to help.  Hey - we all do that every so often. But if you make a mistake here, it could haunt you for 2 or even 6 years.
     Third - please share this information with your family and friends who will go voting with you.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Sunday, October 24, 2010

In Case You Missed the Rally Friday Night

     Dear Friends,
Smithfield Rally Oct. 22, 2010
     Turnout was fantastic and exceeded my wildest expectations.  I don't know whether it was great candidates or free BBQ, but one thing is for sure - it was a memorable evening.  Sen. Burr, Renee Ellmers, Sen. Rouzer, Rep. Daughtry and about 4,000+ good people were there.  Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory was the emcee and the speakers knew what the crowd wanted to hear: short, hard-hitting messages supporting our traditional liberties.  To repeat - short and to the point.  In case you couldn't make it, you can get an idea of the size of the crowd {tip of the hat to Mayor McCrory}
     Please be sure to give your relatives and friends a ride to the polls - whether you are participating in early one-stop voting or if you go on Nov. 2.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good Food & Good Candidates Coming to Smithfield Tomorrow

     Dear Friends,
     Many of our NRA endorsed candidates will be coming to Smithfield tomorrow afternoon.  Senator Richard Burr will be at the Central Marketing Tobacco Warehouse, 1416 Wal-Pat Road on Friday, October 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Also scheduled to appear is NRA "AQ" rated candidate for the US House of Representatives for the 2nd District, Renee EllmersState Senator David Rouzer, Representatives Leo Daughtry, a nice selection of candidates for judicial seats and Johnston County Sheriff Steve Bizzell are also expected to attend.  There will be free BBQ, bluegrass music, and some really nice people.  To repeat, FREE BBQ!  Bring your appetite and I'm sure that these fine supporters of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms will not be disappointed if you bring your checkbook.
     I look forward to seeing you there!
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NRA Voting Endorsements Alarm the New York Times

     Dear Friends,
     I just came across an article that made me chuckle: a New York Times article that sounds the alarm about the NRA's "get out the vote" effort.  One thing that made me laugh was the following line: "The gun-rights group is set to send out 4 million — 4 million! — voter cards to members in every state."  Are they scared, incredulous, or heaven forbid encouraging law-abiding citizens to exercise their right to vote?  It is hard to tell, but I think it might be all of those things.  Perhaps even more enlightening are the comments about the article.  I'll leave it up to you to give them a look and to draw your own conclusions.  Suffice it to say that the opponents of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms don't seem like they are only limited in their desire to curtail our liberties guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.  If you ever needed a reason to vote, that should be enough.
     I've received one of those endorsement cards in the mail already.  Please don't glance at it and toss it. Share it with your family and friends. Make copies and post them on bulletin boards at work, leave some at your local gun shop or hunting club. There are a lot of folks out their who share our interest in liberty but don't know who to vote for, what to ask or where to get unvarnished information. That is where you can help by sharing endorsement cards. When you send e-mails, insert a link to my blog or the NRA-PVF endorsement page under your signature.
     So the New York Times is alarmed.  We must be doing something right.
Tip of the Day:  Need a ride to the polls?  With early voting your opportunity to vote is even more convenient than ever before.  Drop me a line and I'll put you in touch with one of our Frontlines Volunteers who can help out.  Whatever you do, make sure your voice is heard at the ballot box.  If you need help in any way, please let me know what I can do.

     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Monday, October 18, 2010

Come Meet A Real 2nd Amendment Hero This Thursday

     Dear Friends,
     With all of the interest and excitement swirling around this election season, it is easy to overlook other items of interest to 2nd Amendment supporters.  Many of you are no doubt familiar with the name of Bob Barr.  An NRA Board Member, former Georgia Congressman and 2008 Libertarian Presidential candidate, Rep. Barr has been one of the best known faces in the effort to fully enjoy the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  He is visiting the Raleigh area and will be giving a luncheon talk entitled "The Future of the 2nd Amendment."  This important event will take place on Thursday, October 21 at 12:00 noon at the John Locke Foundation, 200 W Morgan St., Raleigh, NC.  Admission is $10.00 which includes lunch.  Details about the event can be found here.  I'm looking forward to attending and hearing Rep. Barr's unique insights.  I hope that others who think this is an important issue will also attend.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Two Great Voting Tools

     Dear Friends,
     One question I am often asked is "who are the pro-gun candidates.  I cranked out a couple of voters guides, but there is another way to find out.
     In the NC 2nd Congressional District, Richard Burr is the NRA endorsed candidate for US Senate.  For the US House, NRA has not made an endorsement, however Renee Ellmers has a grade of AQ while Bob Etheridge has a D.
     In the NC State Senate and House races, things get a bit stickier because of all the districts for those races which are contained in the 2nd Congressional District.  Without knowing where you happen to live, I can't really say "Candidate "X" or Candidate "Y."  Any easy way to figure it out is to go to the NRA Political Victory Fund website, then enter your nine digit zip code and click ENTER. That will tell you which candidates are running for each office, whether they are endorsed or not, and their NRA grade.  You can also use this link for the NC Board of Elections to find specific information for you.  It will show voting locations for early voting, your regular polling place and other personalized information.  To use this, just select "SHOW ME MY VOTING INFORMATION, enter the requested information and then click SELECT.  Most importantly, it tells you whether or not you are registered.  If you are not, you can go to an early voting polling location and register then vote all in one fell swoop.

I hope this is helpful to you.

Sincerely yours,
-Tom Goffe

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why Vote? Another Non-Victim, Another Reason

     Dear Friends,
     I was doing some follow-up to a posting about a store owner who saved himself and three others from two armed thugs when I came across this story.  Two armed men confronted a mother and son in Halifax County and tried to rob them on their carport.  What they didn't expect was that the son would run into the house, retrieve a gun and fire back. One suspect was wounded and the other was apprehended along with their getaway driver. Police later recovered a double barreled shotgun and a 12 guage pump believed to have been used in the crime.  One of the robbers was wounded and all three are in custody and being held on bond. Two of the men have criminal records.
    I sure hope that we will continue to enjoy the Right to Keep and Bear Arms that is illustrated in this story and in my last posting.  If we vote for candidates who support the 2nd Amendment, our rights stand a much better chance of remaining intact.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Why Vote? One Store Owner Who Refused to Be a Victim is Alive Today to Tell You Why

     Dear Friends,
     This morning I read in the News & Observer about why our Right to Keep and Bear Arms are so critical. Two armed men attempted to rob a rural gas station near Micro yesterday afternoon. What they didn't count on was that the owner was armed and ready.  In a daring daylight robbery attempt, one suspect entered the store and shot it out with the owner.  Also in the store was the owner's son and two other employees. The would-be robber ran out of the store to a waiting car where his accomplice was waiting with a rifle. The thug in the car also shot at the owner, who retrieved a second handgun. Sheriff's deputies found the first robber in the car - dead. The man with the rifle fled and was later arrested and is now in jail. Neither the store owner or the other 3 law-abiding people in the store were injured.  According to the News & Observer article, "'They robbed the wrong store,' Bizzell said. 'By being armed, the store owner may have saved his own life and those of the others inside.'"
     Had this happened in Chicago or New York City where citizens are essentially prohibited from lawfully owning a handgun, the outcome would have likely been the other way around. Fortunately, we have representatives who defend our rights.  We also can be thankful that the Johnston County Sheriff's Department is on the job as an additional line of defense. This is why it is imperative that we must vote for candidates who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. I can think of 4 people who are glad to have them, and 2 criminals who are not.  You can find a list of NRA Endorsed candidates in my Voter's Guides that were posted last week.  Please take a look at the links on the right and exercise your right to vote.
     Tip of the Day:  Senator Richard Burr will be appearing at several rallies today across the 2nd Congressional District. You can see the schedule for this NRA Endorsed Candidate online. I plan on being at the Goldsboro rally at 4:30 and Zebulon later. That one is slated to run from 5:00-8:00 and organizers hope to fill the 5,000 seat stadium.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Friday, October 15, 2010

NC House Voter Guide

Dear Friends,
     Part three of my voter guide covers the positions on the 2nd Amendment for the North Carolina House candidates competing within the 2nd Congressional District.  My comments about endorsements and grades that I made in my posting on federal races apply here as well.

North Carolina House of Representatives

District 7  (Parts of Nash County)
   Angela R. Bryant (C) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”

District 21  (Sampson County)
   Larry M. Bell (C-) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”
   DeAnn G. Poirier (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 25  (Parts of Nash County)
   Jeffrey L. Collins (A-) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.” Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,
   Randy Stewart (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 26  (Johnston County)
   Leo Daughtry (A) NRA Endorsed  “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”  Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page

District 27  (Vance County)
    Michael H. Wray (A-) NRA Endorsed Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”  Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page

District 28  (Sampson County)
    James H. Langdon, Jr. (C+) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”
    Brian Allen (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 32  (Vance County)
   Jim Crawford (A-) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”  Project Vote Smart Page,    Legislative Web Page

District 33  (Parts of Wake County)
   Paul Terrell (AQ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”
   Rosa Gill (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 35  (Parts of Wake County)
   Don Frantz (AQ) NRA Endorsed  “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”  Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,  
   Jennifer Weiss (F) “True enemy of gun owners' rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners' rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”

District 36  (Parts of Wake County)
   Nelson Dollar (A-) NRA Endorsed Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”  Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page
   Robin Anderson (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 38  (Parts of Wake County)
   Madison E. Shook (AQ) ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”
   Deborah K. Ross (F) “True enemy of gun owners' rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners' rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”

District 42  (Parts of Cumberland County)
   Marvin W. Lucas (A-) “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”

District 43  (Parts of Cumberland County)
   Elmer Floyd (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 44  (Parts of Cumberland County)
   Johnny Dawkins (B+) “A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a "B" candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.”
   Diane Parfitt (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 45  (Parts of Cumberland County)
   Jackie Warner (AQ) NRA Endorsed  “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.” Project Vote Smart Page,    Facebook Page,
   Rick Glazier (C+) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”

District 49  (Franklin & parts of Nash County)
   Glen Bradley (AQ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”
   John May (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 51  (Lee & parts of Harnett County)
   Jimmy L. Love, Sr. (A) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”  Campaign Web Page,   Legislative Web Page
    Michael Stone (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 53  (Chatham & parts of Harnett County)
   David Lewis (A-) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”  Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page
   Abraham Oudeh (?)“Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 54
   Cathy Wright (B+) “A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a "B" candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.”
   Joe Hackney (F) “True enemy of gun owners' rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners' rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.”

Thursday, October 14, 2010

NC State Senate Voter Guide

     Dear Friends,
     Part two of my voter guide covers the positions on the 2nd Amendment for the North Carolina Senate candidates competing within the 2nd Congressional District.  My comments about endorsements and grades that I made in my posting on federal races apply here as well.

North Carolina Senate

District 7 (Franklin and Vance Counties)
   Doug Berger (A+) NRA Endorsed “A legislator with not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues, but who has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.”   Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page
   Michael Schriver (B+) “A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a "B" candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.”

District 10 (Sampson County)
   Brent Jackson (AQ) NRA Endorsed A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”   Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    
   Dewey Hudson (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 11 (Nash County)
   A. B. Swindell (A) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”   Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page
   E. S. "Buck" Newton (A-)

District 12  (Johnston County)
   David Rouzer (A) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”   Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page
   Jody McLeod (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 14 (Parts of Wake County)
   Dan Blue (C+) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”
   Geoffrey M. Hurlburt (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 16  (Parts of Wake County)
   Josh Stein (B-) “A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a "B" candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.”
   Michael Beezly (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 17  (Parts of Wake County)
   Richard Stevens (B+) NRA Endorsed “A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a "B" candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.”    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page
   David Donovan (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 18  (Chatham & Lee Counties)
   Roger Gerber (AQ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”
   Bob Atwater (B) “A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a "B" candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.”

District 19  (Parts of Cumberland County)
   Wesley Meredith (AQ) NRA Endorsed “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”   Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page, 
   Margaret Highsmith Dickson (C+) “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”

District 21  (Parts of Cumberland County)
   Wade Fowler (AQ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.”
   Eric Mansfield (?)  “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

District 22  (Harnett County)
   Harris D. Blake (A) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”   Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page

US Senate and 2nd Congressional District Voter Guide

     Dear Friends,
     These two fine candidates have earned the NRA's coveted endorsement based on their support for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. I hope you will support them at the ballot box today.  This page has been updated to reflect Renee Ellmers recent endorsement.    

US Senate

   Richard Burr (A) NRA Endorsed “Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”   Campaign Web Page,    Facebook Page,    Legislative Web Page
   Elaine Marshall (?) “Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.”

US House of Representatives

District 2 (Chatham, Cumberland, Franklin, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Nash, Sampson, Vance and parts of Wake Counties)
   Renee Ellmers (AQ) “A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate's responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.” Campaign Web Page  Facebook Page
   Bob Etheridge (D) “An anti-gun candidate who usually supports restrictive gun control legislation and opposes pro-gun reforms. Regardless of public statements, can usually be counted on to vote wrong on key issues.”

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sen. Burr Coming to Smithfield + Early Voting Information

     Dear Friends,
     Our NRA endorsed candidate for the U.S. Senate will be coming to Smithfield.  Senator Richard Burr will be at the Central Marketing Tobacco Warehouse, 1416 Wal-Pat Road on Friday, October 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mark your calendars now and join me in turning out for this stalwart supporter of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
     I look forward to seeing you there!
Tip of the day: did you know that you can register and then vote all in one fell swoop?  You can do it at one of the one-stop voting sites in your county.  A list of the locations can be found at this link.  The following information on how to do this comes from the NC Board of Elections web site.

A North Carolina resident who is qualified to register to vote may register In-Person and vote at a One-Stop Site in the person's county of residence during the One-Stop Absentee Voting period. The One-Stop Voting period extends from 19 to 3 days before Election Day. However, there is no voter registration during the One-Stop Voting period for a Second Primary. The process is sometimes referred to as “In-Person Registration,” but it is important to recognize that it not permitted on Election Day itself.

To use this process, a citizen must (1) go to a One-Stop Voting Site in the county of residence during the One Stop Absentee Voting period, (2) fill out a voter registration application, and (3) provide proof of residency by showing the elections official an appropriate form of identification with the citizen’s current name and current address.  The new registrant may vote ONLY at a One-Stop Absentee Voting Site in the county of registration during One-Stop Absentee Voting period and not on Election Day.  Acceptable forms of identification include:
  • A North Carolina driver’s license with current address
  • A utility bill with name and current address
    • A telephone or mobile phone bill
    • An electric or gas bill
    • A cable television bill
    • A water or sewage bill
  • A document with name and current address from a local, state, or U.S. government agency, such as:
    • A passport
    • A government-issued photo ID
    • U.S. military ID
    • A license to hunt, fish, own a gun, etc.
    • A property or other tax bill
    • Automotive or vehicle registration
    • Certified documentation of naturalization
    • A public housing or Social Service Agency document
    • A check, invoice, or letter from a government agency
    • A birth certificate
  • A student photo ID along with a document from the school showing the student’s name and current address
  • A paycheck or paycheck stub from an employer or a W-2 statement
  • A bank statement or bank-issued credit card statement.  
     I hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity if you are not already registered. You can also vote there if you are already registered.  This is a great way to beat the lines on November 2.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lee County Candidates Forum Oct. 7

     Dear Friends,
     The Sanford Herald is sponsoring a Candidates Forum at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center Lecture Hall at 1801 Nash Street, Sanford, NC on Thursday, October 7 from 6:00 9:00 p.m.  Rumor has it that Congressman Bob Etheridge might make a rare public appearance.
     This will also be a great opportunity to hear NC Senate District 18 candidate Wesley Meredith and NC House District 51 candidate Jimmy L. Love, Sr.  Both of these fine men are NRA Endorsed candidates. I hope that you will join me in taking a little time to support their candidacies. For those of you who think the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is important just let me mention that the candidates opposing both of these men did not bother to answer the NRA's candidate survey. This event is a great forum to let them know that our rights are important to us and will be fundamental to how we vote on November 2.  I hope to see you there.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

NRA Ratings Across Our District

     Dear Friends,
     As of today, the following list shows the official National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) candidate ratings.  In those races where an endorsement has been made, I have highlighted that designation.  Please note that the NRA does NOT make an endorsement in every race, nor do they consider the party of a candidate nor their stances on issues outside the 2nd Amendment in their endorsements.  More detailed information about their grades and current endorsements are online at the NRA-PVF web site.
     For the record, I am a volunteer donating my time and effort to support NRA endorsed candidates.  I do not represent them in any capacity. I do not endorse candidates, never have and never will as a part of my duties supporting the NRA. I am not a party to the endorsement process in any way, shape or form. Those determinations are made by the NRA Political Victory Fund using an established endorsement policy.  Members of the NRA or other citizens interested in the cause of liberty espoused by the 2nd Amendment should make their opinions and preferences known to the NRA by calling them at (800) 392-8683 or use the NRA-PVF online contact form. Candidates are listed in order based on their NRA rating.

US Senate
   Richard Burr (A) Endorsed
   Elaine Marshall (?)

US House of Representatives
   Renee Ellmers (AQ)
   Bob Etheridge (D)

North Carolina Senate
District 7
   Doug Berger (A+) Endorsed
   Michael Schriver (B+)
District 10
   Brent Jackson (AQ) Endorsed
   Dewey Hudson (?)
District 11
   A. B. Swindell (A) Endorsed
   E. S. "Buck" Newton (A-)
District 12
   David Rouzer (A) Endorsed
   Jody McLeod (?)
District 14
   Dan Blue (C+)
   Geoffrey M. Hurlburt (?)
District 16
   Josh Stein (B-)
   Michael Beezly (?)
District 17
   Richard Stevens (B+) Endorsed
   David Donovan (?)
District 18
   Roger Gerber (AQ)
   Bob Atwater (B)
District 19
   Wesley Meredith (AQ) Endorsed
   Margaret Highsmith Dickson (C+)
District 21
   Wade Fowler (AQ)
   Eric Mansfield (?)
District 22
   Harris D. Blake (A) Endorsed

North Carolina House of Representatives
District 7
   Angela R. Bryant (C)
District 21
   DeAnn G. Poirier (?)
   Larry M. Bell (C-)
District 25
   Jeffrey L. Collins (A-) Endorsed
   Randy Stewart (?)
District 26
   Leo Daughtry (A) Endorsed
District 27
    Michael H. Wray (A-) Endorsed
District 28
    James H. Langdon, Jr. (C+)
    Brian Allen (?)
District 32
   Jim Crawford (A-) Endorsed
District 33
   Paul Terrell (AQ)
   Rosa Gill (?)
District 35
   Don Frantz (AQ) Endorsed
   Jennifer Weiss (F)
District 36
   Nelson Dollar (A-) Endorsed
   Robin Anderson (?)
District 38
   Madison E. Shook (AQ)
   Deborah K. Ross (F)
District 42
   Marvin W. Lucas (A-)
District 43
   Elmer Floyd (?)
District 44
   Johnny Dawkins (B+)
   Diane Parfitt (?)
District 45
   Jackie Warner (AQ) Endorsed
   Rick Glazier (C+)
District 49
   Glen Bradley (AQ)
   John May (?)
District 51
   Michael Stone (?)
   Jimmy L. Love, Sr. (A) Endorsed
District 53
   David Lewis (A-) Endorsed
   Abraham Oudeh (?)
District 54
   Cathy Wright (B+)
   Joe Hackney (F)
   Tip of the day - questions, comments or concerns concerning these endorsements should be addressed directly to the NRA at (800) 392-8683.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Goffe

Monday, October 4, 2010

The NRA's Election Target

     Dear Friends,
     Every day we hear the word "target" used countless ways. "Eli Manning's pass missed the target and was intercepted."  "Politician "X" is targeting his message to undecided voters." "Spending targets are aimed at helping helping poor people." The list of how the word is used goes on and on.  In this election season, the NRA is using the word as a way of implementing their strategy to elect people to office who support the 2nd Amendment. There is nothing unexpected or unusual about that.  As athletes say all too often in interviews, now they are "taking it to the next level."
     At the recent NRA Election Kick-Off Event near Charlotte there was the usual collection of bumper stickers, yard signs, bumper stickers and doughnuts. Nice, but not surprising or exciting.  What caught my eye was that they were also giving out targets to promote the election. "Now that is a stroke of genius" I thought. Everybody who goes shooting is going to need targets. They might be paper, steel silhouettes, clay pigeons or old cans.  But to print out a target with a reminder to "Vote On Target" was such a simple idea that I was hit with the "why didn't I think of that" feeling.  At the top was an invitation to "Join NRA-ILA on the Frontlines!" and on the bottom was a place for Campaign Field Representative contact information. In our case, that would be Tom Korman. It has certainly resonated with folks as I found out last weekend at the Fayetteville Gun Show.  Once the word got out that the "NRA guy" was giving out free targets, there was a constant stream of people asking for them. It didn't take long before I gave out every last one. For those who'd bought a new gun and a couple of boxes of ammo, it was a natural. More importantly, it helped us to get our message out. For those of you who couldn't get there and missed out - never fear.  If you click this link you can get one and print out as many as your printer and ink supply can handle.
     I wish you safe shooting, and hope that you will visit again tomorrow to learn more about the recently updated NRA candidate grades and endorsements.
     Tip of the day: some readers of my blog might not have grown up with English as their first language.  To help them out I've added a new widget on the right hand side that will allow them to translate this blog into the language of their choice, be it Spanish, German, Italian or even Swedish or Swahili. You can find it between the "Search" box and the NRA-ILA news feed.  I hope that this new feature helps to make this easier for them to enjoy.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Saw the Cost of Liberty Today

Dear Friends,
     If you didn't make it to the Fayetteville Gun Show today, it will still be running tomorrow from 10:00-5:00. Stop by and get bumper stickers, buttons, campaign literature and even some of the NRA's newest yard signs - though supplies are limited.  They have hundreds of tables and I can promise you one thing: mine is the only one that will give you something for nothing and won't ask for a donation!  As you enter the door, look towards 10 o'clock for the American flag and that is where you will find me.
     On a personal note, one thing made a huge impression on me today.  I go down to Ft. Bragg every so often to the PX and Commissary and can't help but notice all of the license plates denoting that the owner has earned the Purple Heart, Bronze Star or is a Disabled Veteran. As a disabled veteran myself I am kind of attuned to that sort of thing. But at the gun show I got to see and meet many of these young heroes behind the license plates. I was stunned at all the young men in wheelchairs, walking with prostheses, or with scars you won't see on the average college campus. You can't see that when you are just driving along the road.  It really hit home the high price they are paying for our freedom - joining the ranks knowing full well what could happen to them as opposed to the Cold War Army that I enlisted in.  And they do it anyway. Even now as I write this I have trouble keeping my emotions in check. I was overwhelmed with admiration, gratitude, empathy as well as sadness that what they do for all of us isn't properly acknowledged.  Thanks guys - you are carrying the torch of freedom in the finest American tradition. Even if we are remiss now, history will right that wrong.
     One way we can repay their sacrifice on the altar of freedom is to vote.  These courageous young people don't offer excuses on the battlefield - they get out therr, face their fears and get the job done. In this day and age, there isn't one American citizen in North Carolina who is able to check a box that has an excuse for not voting.  No excuses - just do it. Check your voter registration status. If you need to register, do it right now. You should  view a sample ballot, make your selections and then vote - either absentee, during early voting (Oct. 14-30) or find your local precinct,and go to the polls on November 2. There - you have the tools, now exercise the freedoms these heroes have purchased for you at the cost of life, limb and blood shed on the battlefield.
Tip of the day: the new and improved NRA Political Victory Fund website is now fully operational.  Among other things, it has official NRA candidate grades and endorsements available for your consideration.  If you are an NRA member, please visit this useful online tool prior to election day and join me in supporting these candidates.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

Friday, October 1, 2010

Why Burr, Why Now?

     Dear Friends,
     On Sept. 14 the NRA Political Victory Fund endorsed Richard Burr's candidacy for a second term in the United States Senate.  Throughout his first term Senator Burr has been a staunch friend of the 2nd Amendment working with great dedication and effectiveness for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. With everything else going on in our lives, it is sometimes easy to forget how much he has done for us.
   + He earned an "A" rating and endorsement from the NRA Political Victory Fund.
   + He cosponsored and voted for the DC Personal Protection Act. That would repeal their gun ban and registration statute and restore the right of self-defense for law-abiding residents of America's capital.
   + Sen. Burr signed a "friend of the court brief," that contributed to the Supreme Court decision to strike down the gun ban in America's capital and reiterating that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right in the Heller case. {Read the full story on Wikipedia.}
   + Sen. Burr signed another "friend of the court brief" in the McDonald case that led the Supreme Court to decide that the 2nd Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that protects all Americans. {Read the full story on Wikipedia.}
   + Sen. Burr cosponsored legislation to reform the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
   + Sen. Burr cosponsored National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity legislation that would extend federal protection of state Right-to-Carry licenses and permits across America.
   + Sen. Burr cosponsored and voted for the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act which prevents outlandish lawsuits designed to bankrupt the American gun industry.
   + He cosponsored and voted for the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act which prohibits gun confiscation during states of emergency as happened after Hurricane Katrina.
   + He voted against confirming anti-gun Supreme Court nominees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan
     Why now? The most compelling reason is that the pro-gun wing in the Supreme Court is a one vote majority. If another seat becomes vacant, we can assume the President will nominate yet another opponent of our 2nd Amendment liberties.  We will need Senators like Richard Burr to stand strong in defense of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  His record is clear and he got the NRA endorsement the old-fashioned way - he earned it.
     Tip of the day: more about bumper stickers.  Whether you have this year's Cadillac or a 15 year old Jeep like I do, you might be skittish about putting a bumper sticker on it or are worried about how to get it off (as if anybody would ever want to do that).  One solution is to go to your local office supply store and get a magnetic sheet.  They can be found near the computer printer labels. Put the bumper sticker on that, trim it with a pair of scissors and slap it on your car. If you decide to move it - no problem. Just lift it off and move it.
     Don't forget to go to the Fayetteville Gun Show this weekend.  I'll be joined by other volunteers passing out literature, bumper stickers, buttons, yard signs and talking up our endorsed candidates.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe