Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why Vote? One Store Owner Who Refused to Be a Victim is Alive Today to Tell You Why

     Dear Friends,
     This morning I read in the News & Observer about why our Right to Keep and Bear Arms are so critical. Two armed men attempted to rob a rural gas station near Micro yesterday afternoon. What they didn't count on was that the owner was armed and ready.  In a daring daylight robbery attempt, one suspect entered the store and shot it out with the owner.  Also in the store was the owner's son and two other employees. The would-be robber ran out of the store to a waiting car where his accomplice was waiting with a rifle. The thug in the car also shot at the owner, who retrieved a second handgun. Sheriff's deputies found the first robber in the car - dead. The man with the rifle fled and was later arrested and is now in jail. Neither the store owner or the other 3 law-abiding people in the store were injured.  According to the News & Observer article, "'They robbed the wrong store,' Bizzell said. 'By being armed, the store owner may have saved his own life and those of the others inside.'"
     Had this happened in Chicago or New York City where citizens are essentially prohibited from lawfully owning a handgun, the outcome would have likely been the other way around. Fortunately, we have representatives who defend our rights.  We also can be thankful that the Johnston County Sheriff's Department is on the job as an additional line of defense. This is why it is imperative that we must vote for candidates who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. I can think of 4 people who are glad to have them, and 2 criminals who are not.  You can find a list of NRA Endorsed candidates in my Voter's Guides that were posted last week.  Please take a look at the links on the right and exercise your right to vote.
     Tip of the Day:  Senator Richard Burr will be appearing at several rallies today across the 2nd Congressional District. You can see the schedule for this NRA Endorsed Candidate online. I plan on being at the Goldsboro rally at 4:30 and Zebulon later. That one is slated to run from 5:00-8:00 and organizers hope to fill the 5,000 seat stadium.
     Sincerely yours,
     Tom Goffe

1 comment:

  1. October 18 update from the News & Observer:

    "Here is the sheriff's office account of what happened: Two young men pulled up to the store in a vehicle. One of the men entered the store and held a gun on the store owner's teenaged son and two female employees. The store owner saw what was happening, got his own gun and exchanged gunfire with the alleged robber, who ran out to his vehicle. The store owner followed and exchanged more shots with the alleged robbers."
